Shuri needs your help to protect the Infinity Stones from Thanos. Learn more about the different infinity stones.
Below are the goals and challenges you must complete to protect the infinity stones.
A digital footprint is all the information we leave behind when we do anything online - when we share, search, join groups or buy things. All of this information is stored somewhere – sometimes we know about it and sometimes we don’t. Even if you deleted the information.
Be careful about what you share, where you share and with whom you share.
Discuss Guidelines for Sharing Online
Think about the websites and web apps you have accounts on.
Watch the video below to learn how to manage your digital footprint. Complete slide 32 to complete your Digital Footprint. If you can't watch it on YouTube click here.
Now you will copy (remix) a website template to create your own website in Glitch. Go to slide 34 and watch the video below to see how to make the website. After you create the website go to slide 35 and copy and paste the shared link to your website. If you can't watch it on YouTube click here.
Watch the video below to see how the CSS stylesheet is linked from the HTML so the web browser can translate the CSS and HTML to a webpage. Explore the index.html and files and make some updates to your webpage. Then complete slide 36.
Celebrate! You have just created a website on Glitch's web server. Show your website in full screen and look at your web address that tells others where your website is located one the World Wide Web. The web browser is translating your HTML and CSS code into text and images for peopel to see.
From Andrea Joseph
Robert Rodriguez is Filmmaker and Director of Spy Kids, Alita: Battle Angel and more movies. Watch his interview below on his secret to living a creative life. Then watch the next video on Spy Kids and Latino representation (representación) and complete slide 37.
Remember the Avenger's teamwork. Together we can help each other build better websites. Go to the FlipGrid discussion to help each other debug code. Post two or more of the following and earn your superhero teammate points.
Time to complete your mission goals
Complete Final Create and Share Challenge and protect the Infinity Stones from evil. You can use your notes. When you show you demonstrated the goals below you will receive an email of the Infinity Stones.