Mission Introduction

If you can't watch the video on youtube click here

A threat is coming and Shuri needs your help and the help of others. You must overcome the following challenges to build your web design superpowers and earn CS points to add more superheroes to your team.

Think about your favorite superhero.

  1. What are their superpowers ? What are their weaknesses ?
  2. How do they overcome challenges ? How do they help each other with their different superpowers ?
  3. Do superheroes have conlfict they must resolve?

Who are the Real Superheroes? Can you be a superheroe?


As a web page designer, how do you build websites to share information and impact and help others?

The first part of the mission, you will have activities to help you answer each of the following and add superheroes to your team. By the end of this mission your final goal is to answer the following and share your own website.

  1. What is the World Wide Web?
  2. How can you tell the computer what to put on the web page and how to organize it?
  3. How do you tell the computer what styles and colors to use on your web page?
  4. How can you create a web page and safely share information online?
  5. How do you make your website accessible for different abilities?
  6. Whose work can you use on your webpages and who can use your work?

See my example website to see different things you can create. By the end of this course you will be able to use your computer science super powers to create an amazing website too.

Who are the real superheroes?

discussion talking bubbles
discussion talking bubbles

Mission Introduction Tasks

  1. Watch the video to help you start your mission and complete tasks 2-7.

  2. Log into your Google Drive and open your shared IT folder.
  3. In this folder create a web design folder
  4. Make a copy of the Web Design Mission slide notes.
  5. Move your copy of the Wed Design Mission slides to your web design folder and complete slide 2
  6. Read slide 3 to see what superpower tools you can use on your mission. Learn more about Shuri and complete slide 4.
  7. Read slide 5 to see Deb's superhero character. Create your own superhero character and put it on slide 6