the positive and negative
of the World Wide Web.
Challenge 1.1: Understanding the World Wide Web
Watch the video below to learn about the World Wide Web and
complete slide 8. If you can't watch the video on youtube
click here
See if you can explain the picture below using these words: World
Wide Web, web server, web address, web browser, hyperlink. Now
make your own creative work to explain the world wide web on slide
the positive and negative
of the World Wide Web.
WWW Challenge
and add Miles Morales to your team. You can use your slide notes.
When you show you understand the WWW you will receive an email
from Spider-Man.
A computer network
(la red) is a group of computing devices linked together. These conncected
devices are owned by organization or business. For example, Adams 12
owns a network of computers and controls who can use it. YouTube has
a network of computers that they control and protect.
(Internet) is made up of a network of networks
la red de redes). No one owns the Internet. The Internet allows for computers to
communicate and send information to each other. For example, sending
emails or texts and accessing websites.
World Wide Web
World Wide Web
is a connected system of public webpages that can be accessed using
a web browser when connected to the Internet.
Web Server
A web server:
el servidor) is the computer that stores the website files. This computer is
controlled by an organization or business. They allow this computer
to be accessed on the World Wide web using a web browser.
Web Address
A web address:
la dirección de Internet) is the computer location of website on the World Wide Web. Just
like you need an address to get your mail at your house, every web
site needs a different address so people can find it on the World
Wide Web. This is also called a URL, short for Uniform Resource
Web Browser
A web browser (el navegador de Internet) is used to navigate the World Wide Web to go to different web
sites. The web browser translates the code from the files on the web
server to text, images and videos that people can read without
looking at the code.
This is a
(el hipervínculo) that you can click on to go other pages on the World Wide Web.
When you click on the link there is code that has the web address of
the server where the web site files are located.